Friday 1 June 2012

MAY 2012 - MAKANsss...

local delicacies i had in MAY2012...

char kway teow 炒粿条

economic porridge from the economic rice stall (chap chye rice) hot lately...porridge is a better choice :)


Da Pau 大包

Char Siew Pau 叉烧包

chee cheong fun 猪肠粉 & chwee kueh 水粿


bo bo cha cha
[whenever i have bo bo cha cha, it reminds me of what my ex-colleague, ibrahim commented about this dessert soup...he is an indian muslim...he said this dessert is of funny combination...vege cooked in sweet soup instead of salty one...]

sakae sushi buffet...

mamee monster snack...

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