Friday 1 June 2012

28 MAY 2012 MON - MacRitchie Reservoir

the little ones have been seeing the many 'creature' photos i took during my weekly trek in MacRitchie...i always said 'next time i bring u there' my promise today...really amazed that i alone brought the 4 little ones there...and we took public transport, buses not taxi hor...bus 966 from bt panjang to along PIE, changed to bus 132 or 156 to reach MacRitchie, vice versa for the returning trip [steady sia!!!]

...the 4 little ones' maiden trip to MacRitchie Reservoir...

little elijah so 'street smart'... when returning after the above pic, he remembered turning into this path where we walked just now, while the 2 girls in front of him walked straight :)

they picked this location to have their first activity of the trip...

beginning of their maiden trek...

enjoying the snack that i brought for them... cranberry earl grey scones that i bought from jb on saturday...and 'iced milo' [i always have 'frozen milo pack' ready in the fridge for my weekly trek...keep one in the bag before leaving home...the ice usually melts after the trek and the milo just cold enough to quench thirst and replenish energy...]

i m pleasantly surprised that they had enjoyed the trek and asked me to bring them here again next time...

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